
The Mistress Carrie Blog.
Check back for stories, articles, charity info, and whatever else could possibly come out of her crazy, purple brain!

See Mistress Carrie at Silver Scream Con!

Headed to the DCU Center in Worcester MA 9/13-9/15 for Silver Scream Con III? Make sure you stop by the Mistress Carrie booth and take a selfie! Get info here! Or let Spencer Charnas from Ice Nine Kills tell you about it on Episode #219 of The...

Mistress Carrie’s BIRTHDAY BASH!

Calling all party animals! Once a year you. get a day all for yourself, your BIRTHDAY! And I think that’s the best excuse for a party right? Well, this year we are going BIG on my birthday with my friends from Rotten Apple. 100FM The Pike is...

Mistress Carrie on Carrigan & Company

HUGE thanks to Kim Carrigan for inviting me to be on Carrigan & Company for Episode #13! We welcomed Author Jeff Kinney and Brigadier General (ret.) Jack Hammond from the Home Base Program! Check it out below!